Belmont Sewer Repairs Schaaf & Wheeler
Belmont Sewer Repairs Schaaf & Wheeler
Belmont Sewer Repairs Schaaf & Wheeler
Belmont Sewer Repairs Schaaf & Wheeler

Repairs on an Aging Sewer System

Belmont Sewer System Rehabilitation Project

Schaaf & Wheeler has been providing on-call water resources engineering services to the City of Belmont since 2003.

Schaaf & Wheeler has been evaluating, prioritizing, and designing the rehabilitation and replacement of City’s gravity sewer system since 2014. Construction methods include pipe bursting, pipe reaming, horizontal directional drilling (HDD), open trench excavation, and CIPP lining.

Schaaf & Wheeler has completed the rehabilitation and replacement design and construction support for many years:

Project Overview
2.5 miles of gravity sewer mains and associated manholes (2014)
2 miles of gravity sewer main and associated manholes (2015)
5 miles of gravity sewer main and associated manholes (2016)
2.5 miles of sewer rehabilitation (2017)
1,500 linear feet of sewer rehabilitation, Shoreway Sewer Replacement Project (2018)
3,200 linear feet of force main and gravity sewer mains within El Camino Real (2019)
1,600 linear feet of gravity sewer mains within El Camino Real (2020)

These sewer lines included within the annual rehabilitation projects are located throughout the City in back yard easements, busy urban corridors, and within Caltrans right-of-way. Schaaf & Wheeler applied for and obtained multiple Caltrans Encorachment Permits as part of the sewer rehabilitation projects.

Shoreway Sewer Replacement Project Completed for the City of Belmont won the 2019 APWA Project of the Year Award.

Project Specifications

69,000+ linear feet of gravity sewer rehabilitation and replacement
200+ sewer manholes (rehabilitation and replacement)
7 separate projects
Schaaf & Wheeler Belmont Sewer 

Project Details

Belmont, San Mateo County
City of Belmont
Construction Support Services
Caltrain Permit Coordination

Project Specifications

69,000+ linear feet of gravity sewer rehabilitation and replacement
200+ sewer manholes (rehabilitation and replacement)
7 separate projects
Schaaf Wheeler Belmont Sewer Repairs

Project Details

Belmont, San Mateo County
City of Belmont
Construction Support Services
Caltrain Permit Coordination

Project Specifications

69,000+ linear feet of gravity sewer rehabilitation and replacement
200+ sewer manholes (rehabilitation and replacement)
7 separate projects

Project Details

Belmont, San Mateo County
City of Belmont
Construction Support Services
Caltrain Permit Coordination